
Frank Macon Trust Website


The Frank Macon Trust is a scholarship program designed to provide financial assistance to teenagers who are interested in pursuing careers in the trade industries. As such, it was important for the program’s website to be inviting and appealing to its target audience of young adults. I designed the website in a way that captured the interest of potential scholarship recipients and encouraged them to apply for the program. I achieved this through the use of vibrant colors, engaging images, and a user-friendly layout. Additionally, the client wanted the site to provide clear and concise information about the program’s benefits and requirements, as well as instructions on how to apply for the scholarship.

Mood board for the website was provided to me by the art director

By creating a website that is both visually appealing and informative, the Frank Macon Trust can attract more applicants and help young people achieve their career goals.

Website Design


Frank Macon Trust


Wordpress Web Design

animated shape