
Serenity Sliding Door Website


Designing this 30-page website was quite a challenge. But with careful planning and organization, it can was done successfully.

I started by getting a clear understanding of the client’s requirements and preferences. This involved conducting meetings with the art directors to gather the client’s requirements, preferences, and goals for the website. I also reviewed the company’s branding and marketing materials to ensure consistency in the website’s design.

Building the Site

Next, I chose WordPress as the Content Management System (CMS) for building the website. WordPress is an excellent platform for creating websites due to its flexibility, user-friendly interface, and vast library of plugins and themes. I customized the chosen theme to match Serenity Sliding Doors’ branding and design preferences.To meet the client’s individual needs for a corporate, inviting, and informational website, I used CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to create a consistent design throughout the site. I also added plugins such as Yoast SEO to improve the site’s search engine visibility.

Finally, I organized the website’s content into logical categories and made sure that it was easy to navigate. The website includes pages such as ‘About Us’, ‘Products’, ‘FAQs’, ‘Contact Us’, and ‘Blog’, among others. The website’s homepage features a slider with images and call-to-action buttons that encourage visitors to explore the site further.

Designing the website for Serenity Sliding Doors was a rewarding experience that required careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. The end result is a website that effectively communicates the company’s message and helps to drive business growth.


September 1, 2022


Wordpress Web Design

animated shape